Overeaters Anonymous
Delaware and Northeastern Maryland
Diamond State Intergroup
Region 7
The primary purpose of the Diamond State Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous (DSIG) is to:
Membership of the DSIG consists of the following:
Position Descriptions for Officers of the Diamond State Intergroup
- Aid those with the problem of compulsive eating through the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous
- Serve and represent the OA groups from which the Intergroup is formed.
Membership of the DSIG consists of the following:
- The Intergroup Board, consisting of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary.
- Intergroup Representatives (IRs), which consist of one member from each group within the geographic area, defined as the State of Delaware, Cecil County, Ocean City and Berlin Maryland. Visitors are welcome and are encouraged to participate in the discussion.
- Group Members not acting as IRs but elected or appointed to carry out specific duties, such as the WSO Representative and the Region 7 Representative(s).
Position Descriptions for Officers of the Diamond State Intergroup
- Presides at all regular and special DSIG meetings.
- Responsible for establishing the agenda for all DSIG meetings.
- May participate in all ballot votes
- Serves as chair in the chair’s absence.
- Performs other duties as prescribed by DSIG policy, including maintaining membership records and the DSIG calendar.
- Maintains the DSIG checking account for dispersal of funds.
- Submits financial reports each month at the DSIG meetings
- Performs all other duties as prescribed by DSIG policy.
- Keeps minutes of all DSIG meetings and ensures that a copy of the minutes is sent to each IR.
- Maintains a file of all minutes of past meetings.
- Performs other duties as prescribed by DSIG policy.
- Attends Region 7 Assembly and give a written report to the Chair within one month.
- Gives a written expense report, including mileage driven and receipts for expenses (Gas, hotel room, and food, within the guidelines determined by the DSIG board before each Assembly) to the treasurer within one month.
- At term’s end, give over to DSIG all notebooks and other information pertaining to their service in office.
- Identifies opportunities for outreach with the general public.
- Maintains list of Lifeline subscriptions being sent to professionals.
- Attends World Service Business Conference and give a written report to the Chair within one month
- Gives a written expense report, including receipts for expenses (Airfare, hotel room, and food, within the guidelines determined by the DSIG board before each Assembly) to the treasurer within one month.
- At term’s end, gives over to DSIG all notebooks and other information pertaining to their service in office.
Diamond State Intergroup
P.O. Box 8031, Wilmington, DE 19803
P.O. Box 8031, Wilmington, DE 19803